MagicPostCollection Constructor (WhereClauseCollection, String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the MagicPostCollection class populating it with the result of a query applied to the database table.
MagicCMS.CoreAssembly: MagicCMS.4.5 (in MagicCMS.4.5.dll)
- query
- Type: MagicCMS.Core..::..WhereClauseCollection
The query (WhereClauseCollection).
- order
- Type: String
The order.
- maxNum
- Type: Int32
Maximum number of posts returned.
- allowUnsafe
- Type: Boolean
Allow unsafe query.
- inBasket
- Type: Boolean
Posts in trash can.
- onlyIfTranslated
- Type: Boolean
If current language is not default language and is true posts are returned only if a translated version is present, otherwise default language version is returned.