MagicCMS Documentation

Miniatura Members

The Miniatura type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Miniatura()()()()
Initializes a new empty instance of the Miniatura class.
Public method Miniatura(Int32)
Retrieve a miniature object from the database.
Public method Miniatura(String, Int32, Int32)
Search an item Miniatura in the database. If it does not exist create it.
Public method Miniatura(String, Int32, Int32, DateTime)
Search a Miniatura in the database. If it does not exist create it.


  Name Description
Public method Dispose()()()()
It performs activities in the application, such as freedom, releases or resets unmanaged resources.
Public method Static member GetGalleryFromPath
Gets the gallery from path. Create a list of Miniatura.Pk from the images of a directory.
Public method Static member GetMiniaturesInfoFromPath
Create a list of [MagicCMS.Core.MiniatuaInfo] from the images of a directory.
Public method Insert
Inserts this instance in Miniature database.


  Name Description
Public property BmpData
Gets or sets the BMP data.
Public property Height
Gets or sets the height.
Public property OdateTicks
Gets or sets the odate ticks. File date.
Public property Opath
Gets or sets the opath. Complete Path of image.
Public property OriginalUrl
Gets the original URL.
Public property Pk
Gets or sets the pk. Unique ID.
Public property Width
Gets or sets the width.