MagicCMS Documentation

MagicPostTypeInfo Members

The MagicPostTypeInfo type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method MagicPostTypeInfo(Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the MagicPostTypeInfo class fetching definition by MagicCMS database.


  Name Description
Public method Delete()()()()
Deletes this instance.
Public method Delete(String%)
Deletes this instance.
Public method Insert
Inserts this instance in the MagicCMS database.
Public method Static member RecordCount
Count the records.
Public method UnDelete
Undelete record in trash can.
Public method Update
Updates this modified instance replacing it in MagicCMS database.


  Name Description
Public field Static member Answer
Aliases: Risposta.
Type name: Risposta.
Use: You may use MagicPosts instances ti create a small message system and/or comments system. MagicPost offer some methods ([MagicCMS.MagicPost.GestAnswers()], [MagicCMS.MagicPost.GestAnswersByType()], [MagicCMS.MagicPost.SetAnswerTo()]) that use [MagicCMS.MagicPostTypeInfo.Message] and [MagicCMS.MagicPostTypeInfo.Answer] MagicPost types.
Public field Static member AutoImageGallery
Aliases: GalleriaAutomatica, PaginaAutomatica.
Type name: Galleria automatica
Suggested use: To be rendered as an HTML page presenting a photo gallery generated automatically from images contained in a directory. Handling of automatic gallery is done writing proper MasterPage code using utilities provided by MagicCMS library.
Public field Static member Blog
Type name: Blog.
Suggested use: Group of children MagicPost (Page or other types) to be rendered as HTML page using proper MasterPage. Similar to Topic and to [MagicPostTypeInfo.Cathegory] Allow to design a special rendering for blog section of your site.
Public field Static member ButtonLanguage
Type name: Documento scaricabile.
Use: Button you may insert in a Menu to change current language of the site.
Important: ButtonLanguage type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member Calendar
Aliases: Calendario.
Type name: Calendario.
Suggested use: Useful to implement a calendar trough a specific MasterPage code behind.
Public field Static member Category
Aliases: Categoria.
Type name: Categoria.
Suggested use: Generic group of children MagicPost of any type to be rendered as HTML page using proper MasterPage or as home page section in mono page application (behavior is defined by MagicCMS theme). Very similar to Topic allow an alternative type of grouping with an alternative rendering.
Public field Static member ComingSoon
Type name: Coming soon.
Suggested use: Render as HTML page using proper MasterPage o as home page section in mono page application depending on MagicCMS theme.
Note: You may use this type to render a coming soon page. Code to implement page behavior is on your charge.
Public field Static member Contacts
Aliases: PaginaContatti.
Type name: Pagina contatti.
Suggested use: Useful to implement a contact form trough a specific MasterPage code behind.
Public field Static member CustomPage
Aliases: PaginaConPannelliPersonalizzati.
Type name: Pagina con Pannelli Personalizzati.
Suggested use: To be rendered as an HTML page using proper MasterPage o as home page section in mono page application. Same that Page but it may have children MagicPost instances.
Public field Static member CustomPage2
Type name: Custom Page 2.
Suggested use: To be rendered as an HTML page using proper MasterPage. You may use to handle custom MagicPost type.
Public field Static member DocumentDownload
Aliases: DocumentoScaricabile.
Type name: Documento scaricabile.
Use: Link to a document address in the same domain of the site with some additional settings.
Important: DocumentDownload type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member DownloadPage
Aliases: PaginaDiDownload.
Type name: Pagina di download.
Suggested use: To be rendered as HTML page using proper MasterPage. You may use MB.FileBrowser (also distributed as a part of MagicCMS) to offer public or private downloading interface to some server directories. ([]
Public field Static member DummyLink
Aliases: FakeLink, LinkFalso.
Type name: FakeLink.
Use: Placeholder Item that you may insert in a Menu during design.
Important: DummyLink type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member ExternalLink
Aliases: CollegamentoInternet.
Type name: Collegamento internet.
Use: Simply a link to an other site over The Internet with some additional settings.
Important: ExternalLink type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member Folder
Aliases: Cartella.
Type name: Cartella.
Use: Generic container for MagicPost of any type. Used to organize application resources.
Important: Folder type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member Gallery
Aliases: Galleria.
Type name: Galleria.
Use: Use this container to let editor group MagicPost of type Image and of type Video and implement photo or video gallery.
Public field Static member Geolocation
Aliases: Geolocazione.
Type name: Locazione sulla mappa.
Use: Use this object to let editor define properties of a map marker over a Google Map.
Important: Folder type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member HomePage
Type name: Home page.
Use: An home landing page on monopage application or first page of a site with a specific rendering.
Important: HomePage type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member Image
Aliases: ImmagineInGalleria.
Type name: Immagine
Suggested use: Use this type to insert images in non Automatic Galleries or in other contexts. Using a MagicPost to define images let editor specify custom properties on Back End side like dimensions, title, description, ecc. and then render it on front end with proper code.
Public field Static member InternalLink
Aliases: CollegamentoInterno.
Type name: Collegamento a una pagina interna.
Use: Simply a link to an other page of the site with some additional settings.
Important: InternalLink type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member LinkFalso
Public field Static member Map
Type name: Mappa.
Use: Let editor to define a map and map properties
Public field Static member Menu
Type name: Menu.
Use: Use Menu type to create menus and submenus. Children MagicPost in a Menu are rendered as menu item, children menus as submenu.
Important: Menu type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member Message
Aliases: Messaggio.
Type name: Messaggio.
Use: You may use MagicPosts instances ti create a small message system and/or comments system. MagicPost offer some methods ([MagicCMS.MagicPost.GestAnswers()], [MagicCMS.MagicPost.GestAnswersByType()], [MagicCMS.MagicPost.SetAnswerTo()]) that use [MagicCMS.MagicPostTypeInfo.Message] and [MagicCMS.MagicPostTypeInfo.Answer] MagicPost types.
Public field Static member News
Type name: News.
Suggested use: To be rendered as an HTML page using proper MasterPage. Same that Page but normally it has an expiration and may have children MagicPost instances.
Public field Static member Page
Aliases: PaginaStandard.
Type name: Pagina Standard.
Suggested use: Render as HTML page using proper MasterPage o as home page section in mono page application depending on MagicCMS theme.
Public field Static member PageWithVideo
Aliases: PaginaConVideo.
Type name: Pagina con video.
Suggested use: Render as HTML page using proper MasterPage o as home page section in mono page application depending on MagicCMS theme. You may need a special rendering for pages with embedded video
Public field Static member Product
Type name: Product.
Suggested use: You may use MagicPosts instances ti create products profiles with custom properties for product catalogs and/or e-commerce application.
Public field Static member ProductCategory
Type name: Product category.
Suggested use: You may use MagicPosts instances ti create products categories for product catalogs and/or e-commerce application.
Public field Static member SearchPage
Aliases: PaginaDiRicerca.
Type name: Pagina di ricerca.
Suggested use: Useful to implement a search page trough a specific MasterPage code behind.
Public field Static member Section
Type name: Sezione home.
Use: Special container type used to insert MagicPost instances in a Home Page in a mono page site.
Important: DummyLink type is handled by MagicCMS engine in a special way.
Public field Static member Slide
Type name: Slide.
Use: Let editor to define a slide in a slide show.
Public field Static member SlideShow
Type name: Sequenza.
Use: Let editor to define a slide show.
Public field Static member Social
Type name: Collegamento social.
Use: You may define a specific MagicPost object (with specific rendering) to handle links tu profiles or pages on social networks.
Public field Static member Topic
Aliases: Argument, Argomento.
Type name: Argomento.
Suggested use: Generic group of children MagicPost (Page or any other type) to be rendered as HTML page using proper MasterPage o as home page section in mono page application depending on MagicCMS theme.o
Public field Static member User
Aliases: Utente.
Type name: Utente.
Suggested use: You may use MagicPosts instances ti create user Profiles with custom properties connected to MagicCMS database users table.
Public field Static member Video
Aliases: VideoInGalleria.
Type name: Video
Suggested use: Use this type to insert videos in Galleries or in other contexts. Using a MagicPost to define a video let specify custom properties on Back End side like dimensions, title, description, ecc. and then render it on front end with proper code.


  Name Description
Public property ContenutiPreferiti
Preferred children that will be suggested during editing in back end.
Public property DataCancellazione
Gets or sets deletion date.
Public property DataUltimaModifica
Gets the last modified date.
Public property Descrizione
Gets or sets the description of the post type. Alias for Help
Public property FlagAltezza
Gets or sets the flag altezza. Determines if field Altezza is exposed.
Public property FlagAttivo
Gets the flag attivo.
Public property FlagAutoTestoBreve
Gets or sets the FlagAutoTestoBreve flag. Determines if TestoBreve_RT is generated automatically using TestoBreveDefLength.
Public property FlagBreve
Gets the flag breve. Determines if field TestoBreve is exposed.
Public property FlagBtnGeolog
Gets or sets the flag Button Geolocation. Determines if button Geolocation that open an interactive map is shown.
Public property FlagCancellazione
Gets the flag cancellazione. Determines if the post type definition is in trash can.
Public property FlagCercaServer
Gets the flag cerca server. Determines if button Search on server that open an interactive interface to server disc is shown.
Public property FlagContenitore
Gets the flag contenitore. Determines the post is a container (may have children) or not.
Public property FlagDimensioni
Gets the flag dimensioni. Determines if fields Altezza and Larghezza are exposed.
Public property FlagExtraInfo
Gets the flag ExtraInfo. Determines if field ExtraInfo is exposed.
Public property FlagExtrInfo1
Gets the flag ExtrInfo1. Determines if field ExtraInfo1 is exposed.
Public property FlagExtrInfo2
Gets the flag ExtrInfo2. Determines if field ExtraInfo2 is exposed.
Public property FlagExtrInfo3
Gets the flag ExtrInfo3. Determines if field ExtraInfo3 is exposed.
Public property FlagExtrInfo4
Gets the flag ExtrInfo4. Determines if field ExtraInfo4 is exposed.
Public property FlagFull
Gets the flag full. Determines if field TestoLungo is exposed.
Public property FlagLarghezza
Gets or sets the flag larghezza. Determines if field Larghezza is exposed.
Public property FlagScadenza
Gets the flag scadenza. Determines if field DataDiScadenza is exposed.
Public property FlagSpecializedInfo
Gets or sets the specialized information flag.
Public property FlagTags
Gets or sets the flag tags. Determines if field Tags is exposed.
Public property FlagUrl
Gets the flag URL. Determines if field Url is exposed.
Public property FlagUrlSecondaria
Gets the flag URL secondaria. Determines if field Url2 is exposed.
Public property Help
Gets the help text (html formatted).
Public property Icon
Gets or sets the icon for this post type.
Public property Item
Gets or sets property with the specified property name.
Public property LabelAltezza
Gets or sets the label used for the field altezza.
Public property LabelExtraInfo
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information.
Public property LabelExtraInfo_5
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information 5.
Public property LabelExtraInfo_6
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information 6.
Public property LabelExtraInfo_7
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information 7.
Public property LabelExtraInfo_8
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information 8.
Public property LabelExtraInfo1
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra info1.
Public property LabelExtraInfo2
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra info2.
Public property LabelExtraInfo3
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra info3.
Public property LabelExtraInfo4
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra info4.
Public property LabelExtraInfoNumber_1
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information number 1.
Public property LabelExtraInfoNumber_2
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information number 2.
Public property LabelExtraInfoNumber_3
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information number 3.
Public property LabelExtraInfoNumber_4
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information number 4.
Public property LabelExtraInfoNumber_5
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information number 5.
Public property LabelExtraInfoNumber_6
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information number 6.
Public property LabelExtraInfoNumber_7
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information number 7.
Public property LabelExtraInfoNumber_8
Gets or sets the label used for the field extra information number 8.
Public property LabelLarghezza
Gets or sets the label used for the field larghezza.
Public property LabelScadenza
Gets or sets the label used for the field DataDiScadenza.
Public property LabelTestoBreve
Gets or sets the label used for the field TestoBreve.
Public property LabelTestoLungo
Gets or sets the label used for the field TestoLungo.
Public property LabelTitolo
Gets or sets the label used for the field titolo.
Public property LabelUrl
Gets or sets the label used for the field URL.
Public property LabelUrlSecondaria
Gets or sets the label used for the field URL2.
Public property MasterPageFile
Gets or sets the master page file used for render the post of this type.
Public property Nome
Gets the nome. Name of the post type.
Public property Pk
Gets the pk. Unique ID of the post type