MagicCMS Documentation

MagicIndex Members

The MagicIndex type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method MagicIndex(SqlDataReader)
Initializes a new instance of the MagicIndex class.
Public method MagicIndex(Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the MagicIndex class.
Public method MagicIndex(Int32, String, String)
Initializes a new instance of the MagicIndex class.
Public method MagicIndex(Int32, String)
Initializes a new instance of the MagicIndex class. Default language is used.
Public method MagicIndex(MagicPost)
Initializes a new instance of the MagicIndex class.
Public method MagicIndex(MagicTranslation)


  Name Description
Public method Static member CreateMagicIndex
Creates the title table.
Public method Static member DeletePostTitle
Deletes a post title and its translations from the titles table.
Public method Static member Empty
Empties the title table.
Public method Static member EncodeTitle
Custom encoding of the title.
Public method Static member ExistsMagicIndex
Does exists the title table?
Public method Static member GetPostId
Gets the post identifier.
Public method Static member GetTitle
Gets a post title indexed for a specific language. In no tile is found return Post Pk converted to string.
Public method Static member GetTitles
Return all titles indexed for a Post. (one for every active language)
Public method Static member Populate
Populates Title table.
Public method Save
Saves MagicIndex Entry.
Public method Static member UpdatePostTitle
Updates or insert a post title and its translations in the titles table.


  Name Description
Public property LangId
Language identifier to wich this routing name belong.
Public property MagicPost_Pk
Gets or sets the magic post pk. Unique ID of the MagicPost to which routing name is assigned.
Public property Pk
Gets or sets the pk. Unique ID of routing name.
Public property Title
Gets or sets the title. The assigned routing name